Tropical Storm Harvey |
Harvey was a rain event as there was almost no wind. We lost power a few times lasting at most six hours at a time. The rain rate never got much over five inches per hour. The street filled up several times but fortunately there were enough breaks in the rain for it to drain off. We were most worried about the San Jacinto River. It crested 2.5 feet above its record high set during the October 1994 event flooding the same areas which unfortunately were rebuilt and expanded. We received a total of 24 inches rain, nearly a half-year's worth in four days! |
Our rain gauge recorded about 6" less total rainfall than other gauges in our area. I'm not sure why except that it is located in a location probably too protected by buildings and trees. The gauge closest to us is located at the I69 bridge across the San Jacinto River (Just above the Humble label - 32.92"). The gauge to its immediate east is at the Kingwood Country Club. It failed early in the storm. |
NSGS river data for San Jacinto River measured at the I69 bridge. I don't know what the notch at the crest means. |
Neighbor kids enjoying the flooded street in front of our house. |